Payment Methods
Payment of the price of your order is made either by deposit in a bank account, or by debiting a credit, debit or prepaid card.
Payment to a Bank Account
You can deposit the price of your product in the following accounts of our company:
Piraeus Bank : GR 17 0172 1060 0051 0610 1149 723 (Name of Beneficiary Kuimtsidis Nikolaos)
The customer will be charged with all banking transaction charges.
As soon as you make the deposit you should definitely inform us by calling us at +30 21 1119 5927 or sending us an e-mail (
The deposit must be made within two (2) working days from the day of the order. If the corresponding amount is not deposited within this period, your order will be canceled.
Credit card
By choosing to pay with your credit or debit card you will be transferred to the Pay Center service of Piraeus Bank, which offers you the safest way to pay with your card. The process is completed in a very short time and no personal information is stored in the “City Roll”.